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Navigation Centre

At Council last Monday, July 8, what I will call an important "high-light" of the meeting was approval for construction of a BC Housing "Navigation Centre" on city land at 1030 Old Victoria Road. The 60-unit facility will be operated by the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society, and will provide services to homeless persons needing higher level of support - including connections to mental health and substance-abuse programs, overdose prevention, and a daily meal program.

Quite understandably, opposition and concerns to the project were raised by nearby residents. I also have concerns about how the facility will be run and what safeguards will be in place for the community. This stems from a degree of distrust about Island Health promises. That said, I supported the project as I feel we have to take this offered facility from the province. Time will tell how effective it is.

Next up - the "low-light" of Monday's meeting!


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